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Why Lease?

Equipment purchases are expensive. Whether it’s machinery, office equipment, computers, furniture, or fixtures, it all adds up to a major depletion of your cash or credit lines.

But there is another option: LEASING. Leasing has become the financing method preferred by many types of business of all shapes and sizes today.

Why lease your next equipment purchase? Because this is what leasing lets you do:

  • Expand immediately.
    Take advantage of opportunities now, with low monthly payments instead of waiting until capital is accumulated.
  • Keep your credit lines free.
    When you use leasing to buy expensive equipment, you keep your working capital and lines of credit free for other expenses such as rent and wages.
  • Match payments to cash flow.
    Structure your payments to suit your business.
  • Save on up front taxes.
    Pay taxes only on the monthly payment, instead of the full purchase price.
  • Payments are an allowable business expense.
    Your monthly payment can be offset against your taxes.