I’m often asked why D&D Leasing exists
It’s a fairly simple answer; we exist to change the lives of a million entrepreneurs. What does that mean exactly, though? It means that we strive to provide funding to entrepreneurs and small and growing companies in the gap left by the banks. This is where business owners need the most help, and where they are least likely to receive to it. This is also the area where I think the most exciting growth can happen.
In both the UK and in Canada, most of the economic growth is stimulated by small businesses and yet the owners of these businesses would tell you that they still have a difficult time finding financial support at their banking institutions. It’s easy to find money when you are a good strong blue chip company, but what happens when you sink your life savings into the corner shop, hire the neighbourhood student and try to make a go of it? All too often, you find that outside of family and friends that support is hard to find. So almost 15 years ago we decided to change things.
D&D Leasing had very glamorous beginnings – Not! There were only two of us, my brother with the money and me with the idea. We agreed on one simple premise: fund the businesses that had a story and that couldn’t get funding elsewhere; i.e. help those that just needed a helping hand. We decided to start this endeavour on the basis that I’d been in the leasing world for a number of years in Canada already, and had worked for both a funder and a broker. My brother being a neurologist at the time, and single, had disposable income. So with the name D&D Leasing, culled from our mutual last name, we were in business to change the world.
He was the silent partner and I was the sales, credit, funding, and collections departments as well as everything else. The early years were challenging; I studied my credit courses, my Th. D and my MBA concurrently while the business grew. However, we found that we had a little business that was not only making a go of it, it was somehow respected by the people that knew of us.