From Peter McDonnell: For those of you that have already paid for and renewed your 2016 AF-PA membership, there have been new membership cards produced, the cards are being held safely by Nigel Jenkins and are waiting to be sent out. Can I ask all who have renewed and paid their subscription to send me a mailing address, we will send cards to you in the post (mailto:petermcd
As you know the next event is planned to take place in central London at 12.30hrs Wednesday 9th December 2015, venue details will be published in September. Our chosen charity for this event will be “Off the Fence'” So far we have three confirmed sponsors, Vitrx, Cordoba Rewards, and Arkle Finance.
If you would like to renew you membership in advance of the event please go to
For all of you that had prepaid the entry fee online, we do have a record of your payment, this will be held on account and qualify you for entry to the December event.
Bill Dost, our current Chair has stated, “It is our intention to make the Christmas lunch the most successful to date, if you would like to join us, enjoy the networking and support our charity please respond to this mail and you will be added to the acceptance list. Remember these venues have a maximum capacity so don’t miss out, book early.”