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Canadian Commercial Credit Application

Please fill out the following form online or you can print it and either fax or email it back to us.

Canada Flag

1. Type of Organization


2. Bank Reference


3. Details of Transaction

    Equipment Description


4. Principals / Directors / Partners Information


Terms and Conditions

  • The Applicant warrants that the information provided herein, in any Schedule attached hereto and all other information provided by the Applicant in connection with this Application is TRUE and COMPLETE in all material respects, and understands that it is supplied to 1419768 Ontario Inc., operating as DND Finance (“DND”) with the intent that it be relied upon by DND in granting the financing. All legal expenses of DND in connection with this Application or any financing made under it will be paid by the Applicant. The Applicant certifies, represents and warrants that it is not at present in default under any loan, lease or credit facility with any other lender. The Applicant and Principal(s) hereby authorize DND to obtain such factual and investigative information to confirm the identity of the Applicant and the Principal(s) and evaluate the Applicant’s and Principal(s)’s credit worthiness in relation to this Application, including but not limited to obtaining a credit bureau report or other credit information from any credit reporting agency, credit bureau or credit grantor, and may hold use, exchange and disclose such information for the purposes identified above. If this Application is approved, each of the Applicant and the Principal(s) authorizes DND to collect, hold, use, exchange and disclose his, her or its personal information as required, in order to administer the contract, determine insurance eligibility and secure the assets being financed or as required or permitted by the Applicant and Principal(s). The Applicant and the Principal(s) also authorize DND to use its personal information for internal statistical analysis purposes. DND will keep a file containing some or all of the Applicant’s and Principal(s)’s personal information at 533 Brant St., #4, Burlington, ON L7R 2G6 from time to time. The Applicant and Principal(s) have a general right to access, review and amend (as appropriate) the personal information in this file by making a written request to the above address attention: Privacy Office.
