The Paul Hansell Foundation launched its campaign to raise £10,000 in a Christmas fundraiser at the D&D Leasing Annual Foundation Gala, in aid of mental health initiatives.

The event launched the campaign ‘Keep the Conservation Going for Mental Health’, and involved the passing of a ‘convo plate’.

The plate was presented to Bill Dost, president and managing director of D&D Leasing, and was passed to Andy Bell from the Centre for Mental Health and others.

Brian Hansell said: “The opportunity is clear, let’s find a cure for suicide and exactly why our goal is to raise £10,000 to fund this specific project through Centre for Mental Health-UK.”

In a letter thanking attendees, Bill Dost, president and managing director of D&D Leasing, said: “Thank you so much for your ever so generous support – it makes a massive difference and there is still time to give.”

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