Bill Dost head shot

At D&D Leasing, we wholeheartedly believe that change is a good thing. Whether it’s staff change, which allows for growth and new opportunities; a move, providing greater space, a new way of looking at things and a new environment; or the addition of new product lines, which allows a company to have a greater offering to their chosen clientele – change is good.

That is, as long as you capitalize on the potential of what that change offers you and where it can potentially take you. After all, change really in and of itself is neither good nor bad – it’s what you do with it that really makes the difference. Many people fear change because they don’t know what the unknown will bring them. Others are addicted to it to the point that they change for the sake of it and not for any end goal in mind. Neither of these is the right attitude.

Therefore, as long as you look at change as a good thing and you can capitalize on its possibilities, you have the potential for a great win.

But the crux of the question is why all this talk about change? By the time you read this article, D&D Leasing will have undergone a very unexpected move on the back of a summer of some unexpected change and, frankly, I’m excited about it. Our new offices are fresh and (thankfully) very close to our old ones.

A few new faces have joined us as well and we’re now positioned to go from strength to strength. Both industry stalwarts and some fresh recruits have come on board to really assist us in growing to that next level and offer you – our partners – a solid level of service.

Finally, you’ll see some new tricks in our bag of products as well that weren’t there before. We have expanded our product offering to better serve your client base and provide the support behind it to drive it forward.

A larger product offering, backed by a fresh team and a great working environment – I’m so excited about the rest of 2017 and about what 2018 has to offer.

With so much to share with you, I guess you’ll just have to connect with us to check it out.

Come see the new face(s) of D&D Leasing!


Article written by: Rev. Dr. K. Bill Dost, managing director

Original article SourceNACFB Newsletter | September 15, 2017

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